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Reflections of your Journey: the Foundation is Laid

Reflections of your Journey: the Foundation is Laid

As we conclude this series on Being Perfected in Godliness: The Foundations, I’ve been reflecting on the profound simplicity of spiritual growth. Growth, by its very nature, is gradual, a journey. It’s not about monumental leaps but faithful, daily steps toward the...
Rediscovering the Gift of Sabbath Rest

Rediscovering the Gift of Sabbath Rest

In our culture of busyness, rest is often seen as a luxury instead of a necessity. The Sabbath, however, flips this perspective, reminding us that rest is not only vital but also a gift from God. More than just a day off, the Sabbath is an opportunity to step out of...
Fasting: A Gateway to Spiritual Renewal

Fasting: A Gateway to Spiritual Renewal

In a world that rarely slows down, fasting can feel like an unusual practice. Why would anyone willingly give up food or comforts in an already demanding life? The answer lies in the profound spiritual clarity and renewal fasting can bring. Fasting is not about...
Worship: A Lifestyle, Not Just a Moment

Worship: A Lifestyle, Not Just a Moment

When we think of worship, many of us envision a Sunday morning service filled with songs and lifted hands. While corporate worship is a vital part of our faith, true worship is much more than a single event. It’s a lifestyle—a daily posture of our hearts toward God....
The Sacred Gift of Solitude

The Sacred Gift of Solitude

In today’s fast-paced, constantly connected world, the idea of solitude might feel foreign, even uncomfortable. Yet, throughout Scripture, we see solitude as a rhythm of life modeled by Jesus Himself. It is in solitude that we find the space to silence distractions,...